All the roles in Space Industries
Space is special for all of us; since ancient times human beings have looked up wondering what this immense dome that surrounds us full of gems set in the darkness of the night was. Over the years the human being became more and more curious and did not just observe, he wanted to understand, so he began to study both the means and the phenomena of the universe in increasingly detailed and complex ways.
For centuries, space exploration was limited to what astronomers could observe from Earth. It wasn’t until the mid-20th.
In order to understand how much the surface of knowledge was being scratched, the tasks have increasingly specialized in professional figures dedicated to specific tasks, in addition to the figure of the astronomer (as old as mankind), figures such as Plasma physicists and dark matter physicists have made their appearance.
Another canonical field of astro exploration is everything related to engineering and technicians, from the first V2 rockets to the first launch of humans into space engineers and specialized technicians build technological wonders and solve problems, any kind of problem.
From how to launch things into orbit around our planet, to how to send probes for the exploration of our solar system to how to allow the life of other human beings in space, over the years the ISS (international space station) is the most important bulwark that underlines the excellence of engineers and technicians from all over the world to the participation of a shared ecosystem designed to allow and improve the lives of astronauts in Earth orbit.
With the arrival of man in space first as an “occasional presence” and then as a stable inhabitant, it was necessary to verify whether the human being was compatible with life in the cosmos. Hence the intervention of doctors, surgeons, neurologists, and physiotherapists who, thanks to the most modern technologies, study numerous effects that permanence in space has on the human body.
On the international space station, much work of the astronauts is aimed at this direction in view of future long-term trips to other celestial bodies and to improve techniques and deepen notions to be applied on Earth.
Psychologists and psychiatrists also play a fundamental role in this area to study the effects of staying in tight spaces with their crewmates away from family, friends, and all of mankind, it can be said that the sanity of an individual is as important as the proper functioning of a space station in all its systems and apparatuses.
Now let’s talk about all those less-known professional figures who participate in making the beauty of the cosmos more accessible and understandable to all of us.
Media and communications workers describe the collaboration involved in developing new technologies—and help the public to understand the importance of the work. These workers use a variety of media to convey information, but they have the same goal: to explain the science of projects or discoveries in an easy-to-understand format.
People like Producers, photographers, writers, journalists, and offices of public relations do their best work of dissemination to the masses and also involve the new generations and legions of enthusiasts who bring tens of thousands of people to the launch sites to observe the departure of a rocket. Or it allows fans from all over the world to be able to connect via streaming to watch space missions unfold.
The human being has always been also a producer and lover of Art, art in all its forms such as photographs as previously mentioned, drawings or music.
The involvement of in space missions has always been seen as an additional “human” touch of personality, some examples can be the mission patches, small artistic masterpieces that represent and summarize in brief the abstract concept of a mission, always surrounded by the name of the astronauts’ real protagonists of these missions, abstractionism that can also be expressed in letters through poems, novels, essays, and philosophy.
In the end, what has allowed a first approach of coexistence between human being and space is cooperation, cooperation and the multidisciplinary ability to amalgamate in the most effective and efficient way possible all these fields of knowledge apparently so different but with a common goal, to elevate the human mind up upon the stars.